40% off Damooo Reptile Carpet,Terrarium Bedding Liners for Snakes, Chameleons Geckos and Kitchen Use with Soft Tape Measure(Brown)
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⭐️ Any promotion or Code Available while supplies last and may change or expire at any time without notice."REDUCES ODORS:Our reptile mat is made of a unique fabric material that can be stored and without parasitic DURABLE AND REUSABLE: Bearded dragon carpet is durable, washable and reusable. At cleaning time, roll up the fabric mat, keeping all the waste on top. Shake out the loose debris, rinse the mat with cold tap water and hang it dry. The mat dries quickly and looks good as new IDEAL SIZE FOR TERRARIUM: Our terrarium mat has the right size for your terrarium. we also provide a soft tape measure for you to cut the mat SUTIABLE FOR ANY REPTILE:This soft carpet fits many species of reptiles, snakes, turtles, lizards and insects. QUALITY SERVICE: If you have any questions about our reptile carpet, you can contact us by email and we will solve it for you 100% satisfied"
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